Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Gruntz 15mm: TAS Wolf: Boarding Action

The TAS Wolf, a Terran Alliance commerce raider has detected a Synod medium transport ship leaving a Ghost System. They Wolf has fired across the ship's bow and ordered them to heave to and prepare to be boarded. In minutes an assault shuttle carrying the four Myrmidons of Echo Team enter the Transport's small craft bay.

When the Myrmidon teams open the shuttle bay's interior door they immediately come under fire by Ghost combat drones.

Their scanners light up as numerous energy signatures are detected by the Wolf and the sensor data is piped to the Myrmidon's sensor readouts.

The Myrmidons lay down a withering hail of gunfire from their light machine guns. Combat drones pile up on the floor with numerous bullet holes in their chassis'

The Engine room is flooded with energy signatures.

Echo 1 moves towards the bridge of the transport while Echo 2, 3 and 6 actual cover the main passageway leading to the engineering spaces.

Energy signatures move towards the engineering hatch while the Echo Team prepare to fire into the choke point.

Echo 1 prepares to enter the bridge while Echo 2 covers the hatchway.

Echo 3 and 6 Actual open fire on combat drones flooding through the hatchway into engineering.

Echo 3 and 6 Actual lay down a thick barrage of interdiction fire in front of the hatchway. Echo 2 turns and moves back down the passageway to assist Echo 3 and 6 Actual.

The three Myrmidons throw a wall of lead through the hatchway. The Drones march mindlessly through the hurricane of gunfire and only manage to get off a few shots before they are reduced to scrap.

Echo 1 secures the Bridge crew.

After the horde of combat drones are destroyed in a fierce firefight around the engineering hatch, Echo team moves into the engineering space and secures the rest of the crew.

Echo 1 directs the bridge crew to shut down the engines and secure for docking and the transfer of a prize crew. Mission Accomplished: Ship Secured.

Aftermath: The Full Auto weapons on a skilled and power armor equipped commando unit is a powerful thing. The combat drones never really stood a chance against the four Echo team members. Interdiction fire in a choke point where the enemy has to move through the zone of fire to get to you is harsh. Everything that moves through the zone is automatically hit and you roll for damage against anything that enters the zone. The three Myrmidons could last for a very long time against even steep odds in such a narrow battlefield.

The entire ship board packs up into an old backgammon case for storage and keeps everything in one place.

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