Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Full Thrust: Terran Alliance Fleet WIP

Terran Fleet designs center around three
basic systems; Railguns, Missiles and Fighters.
Because limited facilities preclude the
construction of large designs Terran battle
doctrine revolves around swarms of smaller
heavily armed ships and fighters based off of
either large, slow fleet carriers or smaller,
faster escort and GP carriers.
During the campaign in Alpha Centauri
and the extended campaign to take the Sentai
system the Terrans learned that Synod ships
have trouble targeting large groups of ships
and fighters. Realizing that the Synod does
not seem to field fighters or carriers Terran
fighter doctrine has turned towards Heavy,
Attack and Torpedo designs and away from
Interceptor and Multirole fighters. The
Japanese however are rumored to be working
on some sort of multimode fighter but so far
no workable prototype has yet to emerge.
Most Terran design field a mix of Missile
Salvo launchers and Railguns but a few
designs, such as the Henderson class DME,
Lake James class DM and Salem class LC,
center around the medium tactical missile as
their primary armament. These, combined
with fighter strikes, provide the fleet with a
long range punch that is surprisingly good at
breaking up Synod attack formations. Once
the Synod formation is disrupted the gunships,
attack destroyers and other light cruisers
swarm in to finish off any stragglers.
Terran ships have also been equipped with
armor to protect vital systems from Synod
beam weaponry. This armor is sometimes
wrapped around the ship in multiple layers to
make for a very durable weapons platform.
Some radical Terran designs push the
envelope of naval tactics such as the "Colt"
class gunship. Nicknamed the "Flying Gun"
the Colt class are essentially large capitol class
railguns given engines, a decent point
defense network, fire-control and other
standard systems such as life support and a
CIC. These are bare bones ships of
war designed to deliver heavy knockout
blows to enemy escorts or hunt enemy
capitol ships in wolf packs. Simulations have
shown that the dispersed firepower of a wolf
pack of Colts is far more effective than a
single much larger warship.
Raiding fleets are often sent out into the
Synod controlled systems to raid enemy
shipping and conduct harassing strikes
against Synod infrastructure. Qships
and commerce raiders still stalk the shipping
lanes but Synod shipping has dropped
dramatically in the last few years. The few
merchant ships who brave the sector are
heavily protected in Synod warship guarded

The Terran Alliance Fleet is a combination of ships from both Earth and their Aven and Fel'akin allies as well as ships brought to the Alliance by Preservation Society Rebels. 

5th Fleet under Admiral Longbeach is currently on station in the Kreul system awaiting re-supply from the fleet train and preparing to push into the Ghost 263 system. They intend to ascertain the fate of the 7th fleet and Admiral Holihan. 

Terra class fleet carrier
Ambusher class Strike Cruiser

 5th Fleet boasts three Terra class Carriers carrying Aven multi-mode fighter squadrons. They are escorted by an Ambusher class Strike Cruiser and two Farragut class Frigates.

Terra class Fleet Carrier (Left) and Ambusher class Strike Cruiser (Right)

Invincible Class Heavy Cruisers
Terrible class Cruisers

Plains Stalker class Attack Carrier
Three Invincible class Heavy Cruisers form the backbone of the Terran Alliance 5th Fleet. They are escorted by a Terrible class cruiser and a Fel'Akin built Ambusher class Strike Cruiser. 5th Fleet also has two Plains Stalker Attack Carriers manned with Fel'akin pilots.

Plains Stalker (Left) Terrible Class Cruisser (Right)

The Heavy Cruisers: Red Star, Blue Angel and Snow Leopard form the core of 5th Fleet.

Farragut class Frigates
The Fleet's Number 8 Squadron of Farragut class Frigates protect the fleet from enemy fighters and torpedoes. 

3 x Heavy Cruisers, 3 x Fleet Carriers, 2 x Attack Carriers, 6 x Strike Cruisers, 4 x Cruisers, 8 x Frigates an a host of fighter squadrons and Marines comprise the martial strength of the Fighting 5th Fleet. 

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