Monday, May 26, 2014

Raiders of the Crashed TIE

So, when we last left our heroes they had been forced down to the planet's surface and crash landed. The Crimson Ghost is damaged and in need of parts. The crew investigates the nearby crash of one of the Corporate Sector TIE fighters that they had shot down. The crashes have drawn the attention of a nearby raiding party of Desert Raiders. The boys have left the ship in the hands of their astromech droid Casper, an R5 series droid, who is repairing some of the damaged systems.  

The boys are just dismounting from their speeder bikes when the raiders show up. A few of the raiders stay with their Bantha mounts and fire at the boys with their homemade blaster rifles.

Dodger and Dale run for the cover of a piece of wreckage while Hammer tries to reach another piece of wreckage closer to the attackers. The boys have quick reflexes and manage to concentrate fire to down one of the raiders. Rifle fire from the Banthas forces Hammer to hit the dirt and crawl forward to cover.

Safely in cover, the boys concentrate fire and bring down another raider as they charge forward to get into hand to hand with their gaffi sticks. Hammer fires from the prone position and is feeling very exposed as a raider charges his position.

Dodger and Dale burn down the Raider who was charging Hammer who regains his feet and wounds another Raider. The boys manage to force the Raiders into cover with accurate blaster fire.

Fire from the Banthas manage to pin the boys behind cover while the other Raiders charge into hand to hand. Dodger is wounded when a raider hits him in his side with a Gaffi stick but all the boys manage to finish off the Raider Dervishes. With their comrades out of action the Bantha riders hurry off and make their escape.

The boys manage to secure some of the parts they need to repair the ship but not all of them. When they return to the ship they find the nearest settlement where they might be able to find some parts they need.

Next Week: A Night in Mos Terribad

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