Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Assault on Imdaar Alpha Tournament Prep: List Building

Over Memorial Day weekend I have had the chance to think about what builds I want to field for the tournament this weekend at the Wyvern's Tale. They have to have some basic components first:

Health Points: should be over 20 but preferably closer to 30

Attack Dice: More than 10 (nine plus gunner/s count)

Pilot Skill: no noobs is good news, at least PS of 4 or more.

Special Sauce: Ability to spread damage around or ignore crits or both

So here are some of the lists I have come up with in no particular order:

Wookie 360 - 100 points
Chewie, gunner, recon dude, draw their fire, rollin in the Falcon
Grey Squad Wishbone with Blaster Turret
Grey Squad Wishbone with Blaster Turret

This list has three turrets and a crap ton of health. It focus fires, Chewies draws crits, and doesn't do any fancy maneuvering. It rolls slow and chews through whatever it hits. Chewie can focus on both his first attack and gunner re-roll making him a beast in a knife fight. The Wishbones finish off or soften up anything Chewie doesn't kill outright.

A modification of this list ditches Recon Dude and Falcon title for R5s on the Wishbones and Anti-Pursuit Lasers on Chewie. Potentially more durability at the expense of Chewies attack.

We Shoot First - 100 Points
Wedge, R2, Swarm Tactics
Roark Garnet, Blaster Turret, Recon Dude
Rookie X-wing
Rookie X-wing

This list lets one shooting at PS 12 and two at PS 9 or two at PS 12. This list has a lot of firepower, a turret and the ability to kill your opponent's ships before they can fire back. Roark sits back and boosts whomever an lets Wedge and his two wing-men do all the heavy lifting. Roark is not completely useless in a fight as his tirret gives him a 360 fire arc at range 2 and with two focus (one to fire and one to modify) he could be just as deadly as the X-wings.

The Kagi Block - 100 points
Captain Kagi, Rebel Captive, Sensor Jammer, Engine Upgrade
Dark Curse
Obsidian Squad

You have four independent TIE pilots which could throw someone off their game when you don't run them in formation or keep them in formation after the first pass. Kagi force your opponent to target lock him if he is in range. If they shoot at him they take a stress and the jammer makes it more difficult since the higher PS TIE pilots have hopefully stripped some focus tokens off of the guys shooting at the shuttle.

Hunter's Curse 99 points
Bounty Hunter, gunner, anti-pursuit lasers
Bounty Hunter, gunner, anti-pursuit lasers
Dark Curse, Stealth Device

This list gives you two beefy muscle ships for the heavy lifting. The attack 3 gunner re-roll is deadly and APLs make running into them painful. Their large base and low PS makes it likely that someone will run into them and free damage is free damage. It will also force choices  since many people will be unwilling to risk running into them and so might make mistakes. Dark Curse flies around being annoyingly hard to hit while finishing off low health ships and low agility ships.

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