Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Assault on Imdaar Alpha: Tournament Prep: Finals Lists

The Assault on Imdaar Alpha pre-release event tournament requires that if you make it to the finals you must use two of the new ships in your finals squad build. So two of the new ships plus whatever you can add from your collection. And you must be ready to play a faction other than the one you brought. So essentially you need to be ready with both a Rebel and Imperial final build using the new ships and be ready to play them.

"But Matt," you say, "I will never make it to the finals, I suck."

and that may be true... It may also be true that others suck more than you on tournament day.

"Difficult to see. Always in motion is the Suckage." Yoda

That is a paraphrase, but you get the idea. It never hurts to be ready for a day full of WIN.

First lets look at the ships you have to take and the stuff they need, absolutely need to be effective. 

TIE Phantom - needs an advanced cloaking device. This is really a must have as it saves you an action and keeps the window of vulnerability small. Also with 4 attack and a crew slot, gunner is also an auto-include.

TIE Defender - This bad boy is tough and I am tempted to run Colonel Vessery with Vet Insticts to give him PS 8

E-wing - I'm thinking Corran Horn with Determination and an R5 to make him tough as any E-wing will be a High Priority target and most of the guys will not be able to resist Corran's awesome ability to make two attacks in one turn.

Z-95 - Normally Lt. Blount would be an auto-inlcude but in the finals your Imperial Opponent will be hobbled with two very expensive ships and so the Swarm will most likely be small or non-existant. So either Cracken or one of the unnamed mooks with missiles and munitions failsafe as a support ship.

Here are a couple of lists I was considering:

The Flying Circus - IMPs
Darth Vader - Nekkid
Colonel Vessery - Vet Instincts
Echo - Vet Insticts and Adv Cloak

This list gives you a lot of high PS ships (8 or 9) and different abilities and capabilities. It is a lot to manage since they all have different characteristics and flight capabilities. It will also cause your opponent to suffer from "What the Hell do I shoot at first" syndrome. They are all aces and they are all dangerous. Good for maximum confusion.

Tour de France - IMPs
 Colonel Vessery - Vet Instincts
Echo - Vet Insticts, Gunner and Adv Cloak
Omicron Shuttle with Ion Cannon

This list makes Echo more dangerous by adding the gunner re-roll on that sweet, juicy 4 attack. The shuttle tries to neutralize dangerous small ships like Corran or Ethan the Bat by Ionizing them and escorting them off the board while the Colonel and his echo rape the rest.

Antiques Roadshow - Rebels
Corran Horn, R5, Determination
Bandit Squad, Concussion missiles and munitions failsafe
Gold Y-wing with Ion Turret
Gold Y-wing with Ion Turret

 Usually in antiques roadshow you have the announcer showing a bunch of random junk that turns out is worth a lot. That's what we have here. The Y-wings bring a lot of health and can neutralize the high cost Imp ships you opponent has to bring. Once they are Ioned then escort them off the board or finish them off. The Z-95 supports from the rear with missiles and later with guns. Corran goes full retard and kills off the most dangerous enemy on the other side with his double nut punch.

The Unicorn Airshow - Rebels
Corran Horn, Adv Sensors, Swarm Tactics
Bandit Squad, Cluster missiles
Rookie X-wing
Roark Garnet with Blaster Turret

What do you see at an airshow? A bunch of old ships for the crowd to eeewww and ahhhh over and one state of the art ship to WOW the crowd. Garnet bumps the rookie to PS12 and lets him loose. Corran swarms with the Bandit Z-95 and then they both go full freakin retard on anything that gets in their way, till its  dead. Once the Z-95 has blown its cluster wad then the Rookie and Bandit switch places while Roark chills in the back poking things with his turret.

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