Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Gruntz 15mm: War in Heaven: The Heavenly Host

Ok so I watched SyFy's new TV show Dominion which takes up where the movie Legion leaves off. Now, understand, that I have always had a fascination with the idea of a war in Heaven between armies of powerful angels and fallen angels cum proto-demons. It also gives me a reason to bust out my angel minis and get ready for a game. Maybe a mix of post-apocalyptic carnage in the modern world combined with battles purely in the heavenly realm...hmmm gives me an idea for a new board.

One of two Archangels with Seraph bodyguards. One set will possibly need a repaint into much darker colors to represent their fallen status.

Here we have a unit of Angels led by a Dominion on the left with a Cherubim with a trumpet (medic) and a Power in blue (on the right) who has joined the squad.

Five units of angels with squad attachments, leaders and Medics / Sub Commanders attached. There are also two command teams with an Archangel and two Seraph bodyguards to lead the host.

 These are some angels I had converted up from Reaper minis, gundam parts(shields) and wings from various Wzkids minis.

I haven't decided what to do with the conversions. They may become various angelic champions or fallen angels who lead the forces of the Morningstar against God and his Host. I will be looting the various bitz and models left over from old projects to field a Army of Darkness to fight with the Host of Heaven.... stay tuned

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