So I thought I would try Gruntz 15mm using my 28mm Star Wars models. I wanted to do a classic Seven Samurai vs the Battle Droid Horde led by General Grievous. So I set it up in my workshop on half a standard 4x6 table. Call it 4x3. 250 points a side. The Jedi are all Commanders.

Anakin and Obi-wan I gave similar stats and abilities since Obi-wan taught Ani everything he knows. I gave them the Long Runners perk to represent their Knight Speed ability. The Medium Projectile FA represents their short ranged but powerful Force Push abillity or the ability to throw a lightsaber at an enemy. It also had the same stats as the energy CCW. Force Shields represent the Jedi Deflect Blaster ability.
Master Mace Windu and Master Yoda also got similar stats but slightly different abilities. Mace got a jump pack to represent his ability to force jump either up or down from terrain. Master Yoda got Telepathy to Mind Trick non-droid opponents.

Kit Fisto got Ultimate Agility as his special ability while Agen Kolar an Aayla Secura just got regular old Jedi Master stats with telepathy and force shield.
Our Seven Jedi...
They are completely surrounded by droids. Lots of droids. 80 Droids plus Grievous.
General Grievous advances on these troublesome Jedi.
I will write up an actual battle report for the fight tomorrow as I have only one turn done. So far, though the the droid's concentrated fire is doing damage to the Jedi and getting through their lightsaber defense they are losing droids fast. 11 droids down but Grievous is almost dead and once he is gone then the three jedi fighting him (Anakin, Obi-wan and Kit) are going to tear into the nearby droids.
Stay tuned for more Star Wars action...
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