Thursday, May 8, 2014

Working off some stress with WOT

So I was a little ticked off last night about something and descended into the Matt Cave to blow some shit up, which always makes me feel better. Now, usually, World of Dipshits...errr.. I mean Tanks usually fuels the fires of rage even further with the just sheer idiocy rampant in an online game. Team games like WOT means that can be especially frustrating but last night I could have cared less. I was on a mission to kill everything in sight. So for the most part I took my Tier 7 Russian heavy tank the IS. It has good speed, meh armor and a big punchy gun with horrible accuracy. So you got to get close and brawl in the streets with it. It is an in your face kinda tank and the matchmaker was kind enough to give me some games in my own tier or lower and not just throw my IS into tier 9 matches all night. 

Most of my games in the IS I was just hammering everything I could see. For once I was playing smart and using terrain very effectively and angling my mediocre armor so much I was actually bouncing shots about half the time. The gun does about 400 average damage and the IS has about 1230 hit points fully upgraded. so the gun can kill itself in about three shots. I have seen it do much more damage if it ammo racked someone and it will wreck most tanks of its own tier or lower. The unusual thing about last night is I was getting battle hero most games or ending up in the top three. I got 5 High Caliber medals and a Top Gun last night between my IS, my Tiger I, my KV-2 and my Hummel artillery piece. 

In the above game I was drivin the King of Derp, the KV-2. Got Top Gun (6 kills) an High Caliber (most damage done). The poor M6 driver in my sights waited until I was reloaded and then drove out of cover giving me his side. He KNEW I was there and did it anyway. Hit him with a flush shot, penned his side armor, which is weak on the M6, and did my full glorious damage with the 155 mm gun  on the KV-2. He then had the nerve to ask me if I was running premium rounds in my gun. LOL. With a shot like that from a 155 mm Derp Gun running HE, I am sorry but you have no armor when it is that flat, un-sloped and poorly angled. 

This was the first kill of the previous game. See what I mean about World of Dipshits? He is driving full speed towards a corner where there are ALWAYS enemies at the beginning of the game. Needless to say he got a face full of DERP.

Same KV-2 game, second Hellcat kill. There were three Hellcats on the enemy team, normally these are very dangerous machines, but this guy was hidden and waiting and got a free shot when I came around the corner of the farmhouse and.....he bounces. I turn and fire and erase him from existence. Kill number 5 for the game. With only one Hellcat remaining I was sure I would not get a Top Gun as a Hellcat is very fast and maneuverable and anything with KV in its name is not. 

Look at the cap counter at the top of the screen. It is at 100 percent. We have already won but this last Hellcat decides he wants a Defender medal and comes screaming out of nowhere to defend the cap. I started turning as soon as I detected him and fired. Killed him literally at the last second. That gave me kills on all three enemy Hellcats. That should be some sort of medal in an of itself. This was a very satisfying game :) BOOM goes the dynamite.

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