So next weekend we are playing an Evacuation of Hoth campaign from the new rebel transport boxed set. While I have yet to purchase my own transport (next month, maybe, ) we will be using transports that some of the other guys have purchased. Apparently some of the guys went crazy and bought a bunch of them... We don't have a problem...we can quit anytime we want...
What I have been doing is trying to figure out is this, without an attack value what use are they in a Epic Tournament list? Without guns they are the ultimate support unit. Here are some of the builds I have come up with.
55 points
55 points
GR-75 Medium Transport
GR-75 Medium Transport/GR-75 Medium Transport (30)
Dutyfree (2)
– When performing a jam action, you may choose an enemy ship at range 1-3 (instead of at Range 1-2).
WED-15 Repair Droid (2)
– Spend 1 energy to discard 1 of your face down Damage cards, or spend 3 energy to discard 1 of your face up Damage cards.
Toryn Farr (6)
– Action: Spend any amount of energy to choose that many enemy ships at Range 1-2. Remove all focus, evade, and blue target lock tokens from those ships.
Frequency Jammer (4)
– When you perform a jam action, choose 1 enemy ship that does not have a stress token and is not at Range 1 of the jammed ship. The chosen ship receives 1 stress token. Limited.
Comms Booster (4)
– Energy: Spend 1 energy to remove all stress tokens from a friendly ship at Range 1-3. Then assign 1 focus token to that ship.
Slicer Tools (7)
– Action: Choose 1 or more enemy ships at Range 1-3 that have a stress token. For each ship chosen, you may spend 1 energy to cause that ship to suffer 1 damage.
This transport uses the Jam Action to support nearby fighters. It has an extended range due to the Duty Free title card allowing it to place stress tokens on ships out to range 3. Then with Frequency Jammer you can choose another ship outside of range one of the original target ship and stress him too. Once you get some ships with stress tokens on them use your next action to use your Slicer tools to cause those now stressed ships damage outside of combat. Those ships still have stress and still need to burn that stress off but they are now taking damage they cannot evade. Ideally this works best with two or more transports within support range of each other. Two transports working together can be a major issue for ships without shields or with poor maneuver dials. Throw in some Y-wings with Ion cannon Turrets and now the opposing ships cannot bleed off the stress so that Slicer Tools works even better on the next turn.
Comms Booster helps remove stress from your ships and give them a focus for the measly cost of a single energy point.
Toryn Farr rips focus, evade and target lock tokens from enemy ships and can be used alongside frienly ships that throw around free actions. So later in the movement phase let Lando throw a free action to the transport which then rips all those tokens your opponent just placed on their ships.
The WED-15 repair droid is there to give the transport some durability without making the ship overly expensive.
Then there is the Tank... (The Hull should be 10 an Shields 5, something is wrong with the Squad Builder)
57 points
57 points
GR-75 Medium Transport
GR-75 Medium Transport/GR-75 Medium Transport (30)
Bright Hope (5)
– A reinforce token assigned to your fore section adds 2
WED-15 Repair Droid (2)
– Spend 1 energy to discard 1 of your facedown Damage cards, or spend 3 energy to discard 1 of your faceup Damage cards.
Backup Shield Generator (3)
– At the end of each round, you may spend 1 energy to recover 1 shield (up to your shield value). Limited.
Shield Projector (4)
– When an enemy ship is declaring either a small or large ship as the target of its attack, you may spend 3 energy to force that ship to target you if possible.
EM Emitter (3)
– When you obstruct an attack, the defender rolls 3 additional defense dice (instead of 1). Limited.
Retrofit (10)
– Increase your hull value by 2 and your shield value by 1.
The Tank uses Shield Projector
to draw fire into its beefy shields and hull. This is of course after you have used the reinforce action to add evades to your shields and soak some more damage thanks to the Bright Hope title card.
The WED-15 repair droid and Backup Shield generator let you recover shields and repair hull points by discarding damage cards. Thanks to Retrofit you have two more hull and one more shield.
The EM Emitter lets anyone hiding behind you get 3 additional defense dice...and since the ship is very big that means a lot of your ships could duck behind your transport.
There is another title card... the Quantum Storm but all it does is give you a bit more energy. It is a jack of all trades card and can be used with either build but doesn't seem optimal. Granted this is all math-hammer and the table top could prove me wrong but the two builds presented here seem to optimize the two basic roles of the transport, Support / Tank, other than stationary/moving mission objective marker.
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