To use a combat skill requires a contested skill check. Both the player character and his opponent roll a dice and add their bonuses. The Higher result wins. So if a character is shooting at a bad guy. The character rolls a D6 for each Firepower point his weapon has and adds his shooting skill bonus and his agility to each die roll. The defending character rolls a D6 and adds his agility plus any modifiers for range or cover. If the attacking character gets the highest result then the defending character is hit and takes a wound or suppression. Suppression can be negated by a Courage check for a player character or an activation roll
for an NPC. Characters can take a number of suppression hits equal to their shooting skill. After they have reached their max suppression then they start taking wounds. They can only take suppression if they have some form of cover. If they have no cover they must go prone or make a courage check or run away.
Brawling works the same way but when a character runs out of wounds they are knocked out instead of killed. If they take a wound after they are knocked out then they are injured. If they take their wound total after they are knocked out they are killed.
Captain "Dodger" Dempsey (Right most)
Agility 1
Smarts 1
Toughness 2
Charm 2
Wounds 3
Pilot Freighter 1
Repair 1
Brawling 2
Shooting 2
Bargaining 2
Gambling 2
Blaster range 12" FP 1
Flak Vest 5+ save
1st Officer "Hammer" O'Neil (Middle)
Strength 1
Agility 2
Smarts 1
Charm 0
Wounds 3
Pilot Freighter 2
Repair 1
Brawling 2
Shooting 2
Notice 1
Gambling 1
Blaster range 12" FP 1
Flak Vest 5+ save
Gunner "Dale"
Strength 1
Agility 2
Smarts 2
Toughness 0
Charm 1
Wounds 1
Gunnery Freighter 3
Repair 1
Drive, Ground 1
Shooting 1
Blaster range 12" FP 1
Flight Suit 6+ save
Desert Raider
Strength 1
Agility 1
Smarts 0
Toughness 1
Charm 0
Wounds 2
Brawling 2
Shooting 2
Survival 2
Blaster Rifle range 24" FP 1
Gaffi Stick
Clothes 6+ save
Next up will be the combat between the crew and the Desert Raiders...stay tuned.
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