A lazy Sunday afternoon was spent watching my 6 month old granddaughter, catching up on Tevo and painting this clone army. I even put the Clone Wars again to make sure I put enough color on the clone armor.
The Whole force so far.
I did four squads of regular troops with yellow markings and each squad has a medic (green markings) and a vehicle specialist combat bot armed with heavy missiles.
There are two independent squads of Missile armed combat bots.Red Team and Blue Team
Two light mecha support the force with some light missile pods and two full auto laser cannons.
Top View. The grayed out white and primary colors comes out really well together
Commander in red markings...still working on a nick name.
Another grunt squad.
Second independent Combat Bot squad.
Squad of Commandos (Arc Troopers) led by Captain Tex and supported by a clone medic.
I have some large wheeled transports getting painted right now. and I am thinking about adding some assault class mecha that I have built but I have been waiting for the right army to paint them up for.